Independent Study: Week 4

This week was a mashup of running a high school art and design camp, preparing for a trip, and moving things forward on the thesis development project. I the beginning of the week I set out to do the following:

  • develop a clear definition of innovation by finishing the book The Accidental Creative by Todd Henry and by reviewing The Designful Company by Marty Neumeier;
  • establish a thesis committee by contacting each of the prospects on my list and getting a reply from each;
  • refining the thesis proposal.

Right now I am in Toronto, am halfway through Henry's book and did not even get reconnected to Neumeier's material. I have one confirmed thesis committee member and still need to contact two to ask for their participation. With everything going on I really lost focus on this project. However, there are some important insights that I have gained this week, insights that will help me as continue refining the thesis components:

[1] Establish the three most important aspects of the project that I want my mind to work on. These are

  • define innovation
  • refine my ideas about how innovation can impact faith-based organizations without significantly altering their message or their most essential practices
  • consider effective ways to express these in visual terms

[2]Develop a list of individuals to interview regarding the role of innovation in the church, specifically Fundamental Bible-believing churches.
[3]Begin researching the effect that design thinking has already had when applied to faith-based organizations.

My goals for this coming week are to conduct a few interviews with church leaders in the Toronto area, finish Henry's book, and to brainstorm ideas for the visual component of the thesis.



