Independent Study: Week 7
This week I tried to write. I just sat down with the computer and started to write. First an introduction, then maybe an opening chapter. It didn't go well. What came out of it was a better list of questions (to ask the leaders of faith-based organizations) and a better idea of what innovation is. But I was thwarted on getting anything really written.
Add to that day-long meetings at the office (Monday-Friday) and some family life considerations. But I have a great list of what I think innovation should be, and that is really helping me think better about what aspects of design thinking innovation are most applicable to faith-based organizations. I still think there's a lot that churches, mission boards, faith-based schools, and faith-based non-profits can do to be more creative in their approaches to common challenges. This never means changing orthodoxy. This never means altering belief.
I learned today that the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (PCUSA) has changed it's standards for ministers, elders, and deacons. Instead of the requirement that clergy live “in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness,” the new wording allows the ordination of gays and other unchaste persons. This is not the type of innovation that I am talking about.